Comunidad de Colesterol Alto

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Ya estamos atendiendo nuevamente comuniquese con nosotros por whatsapp al +51 - 973586834 para recibir nuestros tratamientos.


Miembro: 08/20/2019

Hi how can i lower my cholesterol they all are high?


Miembro: 08/29/2018

flacalove said:
Hi how can i lower my cholesterol they all are high?

🌹🌼😃¡Hi Flaca Love! ¡Welcome to Nuevas Evas Web Site! I hope you feel like at home. I can help you to low your cholesterol. Tell me, ¿Are you doing a medical treatment?

In the end I will tell you how to get normal level of cholesterol. Before I like to give you some information about hot to begin. I so sorry but all the info is in spanish, I hope you understand or have someone to help you. You can see the article in this link: cómo bajar el colesterol en 1 semana (how to get normal levels of cholesterol) It is important that you can do almost all of this items to success. 

Nuevas Evas can help you with a cuisine course that give you naturals recipes to all the meals of the day, that are low of fat, and have healthy fat, high fiber and antioxidant and help you to fight cholesterol. If you want to participate on our course you can write us by whats app  0051973586834 or +51973586834 or can press in this link: Curso de Cocina Medicinal in this course do you have videos of the recipe so it would be easy to you to understand. 

Tell me if you have questions. ¡See you! 🌈💋

Admiro tu fortaleza, tu capacidad de renacer y de sacar fuerzas. Admiro tus ganas de levantarte y continuar, tu potencial para seguir adelante. Eres fuerte, eres grande, eres una verdadera Nueva Eva.

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Alejandra Abarca

Experta de Alimentación Saludable.

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